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English-Hindi > limit stop

limit stop meaning in Hindi

limit stop sentence in Hindi

सीमा रोक
limit    अवधि किनारा दायरा
stop    विश्राम अटकाव
1.The player with the most slam points after the time limit stops wins.

2.It also serves as the final city-limit stop for all mail and express trains on Western Railway before leaving Mumbai.

3.He challenged politicians on a variety of issues, including civil rights for gays, and was the kind of advocate who refused to let term limits stop him from serving in his neighborhood civic association.

4.Preset aperture controls have taken several forms; the most common has been the use of essentially two lens aperture rings, with one ring setting the aperture and the other serving as a limit stop when switching to working aperture.

How to say limit stop in Hindi and what is the meaning of limit stop in Hindi? limit stop Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.